Stimulate Gum Regrowth

Dental caries and its stages
Statistics, collected between 2007 and 2009 on the oral hygiene of Americans, reveal alarming percentages. In fact, 57% of children have cavities, 96% of adults have had one, and 6% of Americans no longer have natural teeth. This motivates us to explain everything about caries to help you fight it. read about Can Receding Gums Regrow?

In light of the information in this article, it will be easier for you to prevent the terrible effects that tooth decay can have on our mouths as it progresses to an advanced stage.
What is tooth decay?
Cavity is an infection that gradually affects the teeth by damaging their structure and destroying their tissues.
To better understand the formation of caries, we must know that our teeth are composed of three layers, the enamel that represents the hard, white and visible part of our teeth; dentine, which is the main part of the tooth, which has a lighter consistency and is more yellow in color; and finally the dental pulp which is the inner part of the tooth enclosing the blood vessels and nerves.

Can You Regrow Gums?

Every time we eat, the bacteria in our mouth eat the sugars contained in the food residues that are deposited on our teeth, especially in dental plaque. By feeding, bacteria produce acids that attack the enamel of our teeth. Holes then form in the enamel and this is how caries appear.
Fortunately, the bacteria present in our mouths and in dental plaque are eliminated when brushing our teeth and flossing. However, individuals who do not observe adequate dental hygiene rules fail to eliminate these bacteria and become more likely to develop cavities in their teeth.
Do Your Gums Regrow?

Cavity is an infection that gradually attacks the teeth, from the outside to the inside. This attack goes through four main stages, the severity of which increases crescendo from one phase to another:
Stage 1 : At the beginning of decay, only the superficial layer of enamel is affected. At this point, no pain is felt. Since patients have no symptoms or pain, caries at this stage can only be detected by a professional, in this case a dentist. The latter, during routine examinations, can detect the presence of caries to be able to treat it effectively.
Stage 2 : After attacking tooth enamel, decay evolves to the dentine, the second layer of the tooth. It can then cause sensitivity to hot and cold. The pain is nonetheless persistent and in many cases the patient does not feel it. When it is detected at this stage, the dentist can do a restoration to repair the tooth.
How To Stop Receding Gums Naturally?

Stage 3 : The caries progresses and affects the pulp of the tooth. It then triggers a pain that can be lively and persistent. At this stage, the infected pulp must be removed during a root canal treatment. If there is enough natural structure to the tooth, it can be restored. Otherwise, the tooth must be extracted and replaced.
Stage 4 : If the tooth is not treated, this phase is the peak of caries development, which spreads to the entire pulp of the tooth. A dental abscess is then likely to form, that is to say an infection that can be located at the root of the tooth. The abscess usually causes acute pain. This phase is critical because the infection can spread to vital organs such as the heart or brain.

Stop Receding Gums Naturally

It is therefore essential to regularly consult a dentist since he is the only person able to detect decay in the early stages. Caries often go unnoticed by those who suffer from them because they usually do not cause pain when they are at this stage. It is important to understand that the faster the decay is detected, the higher the chances of being able to save the tooth.
More sensitivity than usual or pain in a tooth means that a visit to your dentist is necessary. Do not let tooth decay progress to an advanced stage, for the sake of your smile!
Making good choices for cleaning your teeth
It can never be repeated enough, to maintain good oral hygiene, it is essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss daily.
Toothpaste For Bleeding Gums

For optimal cleaning of your teeth and mouth, you must choose the tools and products you use. However, in view of the almost infinite number of products offered in the shops, it can be difficult to navigate.
Choosing the right toothbrush
The types of toothbrushes vary in shape, color, kind of bristles and in size, as well as it is difficult to stop one's choice. The essential element that must have any good toothbrush is soft bristles. Indeed, too hard bristles can damage the gums and cause gingival recession, while being aggressive for tooth enamel. Choosing a soft-bristled toothbrush will not only keep your teeth and gums undisturbed, but it will also dislodge as much plaque as the soft bristles adapt much better to the shape of the teeth.
Help Receding Gums

Also, it is important to choose a toothbrush whose head is not too big. Indeed, a smaller head allows better access to certain areas of the mouth and, thus, to clean all surfaces of the teeth.
And the electric toothbrush in all this?
Choosing an electric toothbrush rather than a traditional toothbrush is recommended for people who have difficulty cleaning their teeth, brushing too hard, not having good manual dexterity, or having complex dental restorations. dental bridges.
Individuals who are prone to gum problems or periodontitis can also turn to an electric toothbrush. Ask your dentist for advice on what to do!
Hygiene rules
Rinse your toothbrush thoroughly and allow it to air dry, making sure it is not in contact with another person's. In addition, a toothbrush must be replaced every 3 months, minimum, or when the bristles change shape. After being sick or when a loved one has been, it is best to change the brush to avoid the risk of contamination.
Choosing the right toothpaste
The number of types of toothpaste available on the market makes it difficult to navigate. The thing to remember is to choose a toothpaste that contains fluoride. Indeed, toothpastes that contain it can protect against decay by stopping the process of decalcification of teeth and participating in the remineralization of enamel.
Can Receding Gums Grow Back?

Other types of toothpaste exist, especially to prevent tooth sensitivity, gingivitis and pie or to protect the teeth against stains. The benefits depend on the ingredients in the toothpaste. The easiest way is to ask your dentist for advice on what kind of toothpaste is right for you depending on the condition of your oral health.

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Look for toothpastes that bear the seal of the Canadian Dental Association. This is proof that studies have proven the effectiveness of toothpaste for the benefits that are written on its packaging.
There is waxed dental floss, not waxed, in filaments or in the form of ribbon. Some types are more effective for slipping between tight teeth. It is good to try several types of dental floss to find the one that best suits the shape of our teeth. Indeed, all types of dental floss are effective to dislodge a maximum of plaque and bacteria.
Do not forget that beyond the choice of your toothbrush, toothpaste and floss, it is essential to adopt the right technique to brush your teeth. By combining all these tips, you will maximize your chances of having optimal dental hygiene and you will protect yourself against diseases!
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